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Autumn updates from Tinga Tinga Cooperative and its Artists

Exciting news reach all the way up north from the Tinga Tinga Society in Tanzania.

The prince Akishino, second son of the Japanese Emperor Akihito visited Tinga Tinga Cooperative (TACS) in Dar Es Salaam.

British Gas sponsored one week long Lilanga exhibition in Dar es Salaam

More info on George Lilanga and his art on:

The Global Magazine of The Commonwealth Secretariat writes about Tinga Tinga in the current issue. Read the full article here:

The UK organization “Save the Rhino” will use Kapanda’s paintings in campaign to save the rhinos in Africa.

Tinga Tinga interest is spreading to Asia: Chinese art dealers have collected large numbers of paintings 2x3 meters from the TACS and South Korean Television Network made documentary shootings at the Cooperative.

News from the artists themselves

A few days ago, Ajabu Akilimali came back from Japan while Mkura left Tanzania for Japan. Three of Mzuguno children will go to Saudi Arabia in January to exhibit paintings.

Noel Kapanda’s paintings will be displayed at UN in Nairobi during December.

Becka Wasia, the Chairman of TACS came back from 3 months’ long exhibition in Japan. And last but not least Raymond Peta got a new child. CONGRATULATIONS from all of us!

Unfortunately some sad news have touched us too. Our condolences go to the families of Mshana Mzuguno. His wife passed away and he had to interrupt exhibition in Uganda to return for the service. Hapela Chiwaya passed away after an incident in front of the TACS. R.I.P. you will be misse. Chiwaya family members are great painters and their art will continue bringing joy and light in our homes!

I'm a proud owner of a Chiwaya gazelles, thanks for painting them.


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